Unduh Aplikasi Camera Timestamp Add-On apk
Posted in 21:00 by DaDoan
Versi: 1.0.7
Ukuran: 316k
Perlu Android versi: 2.0 dan lebih tinggi
Kategori: Fotografi
Ditawarkan Oleh: Micro AppTeam
Camera Timestamp Add-On screenshots
download Camera Timestamp Add-On free
download Camera Timestamp Add-On free
download Camera Timestamp Add-On free
download Camera Timestamp Add-On free
download Camera Timestamp Add-On free
download Camera Timestamp Add-On free
Kamera Timestamp Add-On adalah menciptakan waktu dicap pada foto Anda yang diambil oleh build-in kamera android.
cap akan ditambahkan secara otomatis pada real time saat gambar diambil, dan akan menempatkan di pojok kanan bawah gambar.
- Mudah digunakan hanya menginstal aplikasi dan Anda baik untuk pergi. tanpa konfigurasi sama sekali.
- Pilihan untuk menambah waktu (Jam: Menit).
- Pilihan untuk memilih warna teks.
- Pilihan untuk ukuran teks.

Anda Mungkin Juga Meminati:: download Camera Timestamp Add-On versi %version%

* Versi gratis yang tersedia dengan terbatas mengambil gambar (10). TRY IT FIRST!
* Karena ada jauh lebih banyak aplikasi kamera dan perangkat, kita tidak dapat memastikan Camera Timestamp Add-On akan bekerja pada setiap aplikasi kamera pada setiap perangkat.
* Pastikan untuk menguji versi percobaan gratis sebelum Anda MEMBELI aplikasi ini, untuk menghindari kekecewaan.
Silakan email kami jika Anda menghadapi masalah apapun.

24 Jul 2015 - There is not. The iPhone camera app does not have this functionality.22 Apr 2013 - I used to think that a date imprinted on a photo helped to stoke up nostalgia . I compensated by adding thick margins above and below the cropped photo. .. I took thousands of pix in Europe last spring without noticing I had the g/d timestamp turned on. . Snapheal for Mac and iOS – not free but very good.Yes, but not with the camera because the date/time stamp is now embedded into the image and the camera can only do that as the picture is 

2 Mei 2016 - With the Spinnaker SDK used with the Blackfly S camera, the timestamp is part of the information contained in chunk data for the image.2 Okt 2014 - Jeff Carlson, author of iPad and iPhone Video: Film, Edit, and Share the . of iMovie on the Mac, but you'd be surprised at some of the things it can do. . When you add a still photo to a video project, it's given the Ken Burns 4 Mar 2012 - I'm still learning my new camera ( Cannon Rebel T3i ) Is there a setting for a date .. Many editing progams can insert the time stamp from EXIF.

Camera Timestamp Add-on earned < $5k in estimated monthly revenue and was . One thing I'd hope to see in future updates is a way to copy settings from one Download APK Jobs At Intel untuk Android, 100% aman dan bebas virus di MoboMarket. Jobs At Intel adalah app . Camera Timestamp Add-on Trial. 483.38KB.5 Okt 2013 - I use its Camera Upload feature to copy photos from my iPhone to my . That would involve one script (or set of scripts) that would fix the mess I'd .. If more than one photo has the same timestamp, add 36 # suffixes 'a', 'b', etc.